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How to live to be 100+

TED_TALK_2013 (19.39 min) Long life and health. Dan Buettner and his team study the world's 'Blue Zones' - communities whose older people live with vim and vigour to record-setting ages. In his talk, he shares the 9 common diet and lifestyle habits that keep them spry. 

Secrets of Centenarians

NHK Documentary - Secrets of Centenarians - Sept 2017 (49.55 min.) Many centenarians around the world are still going strong. Researchers around the world are trying to unravel the reasons. The program focus on centenarians and explore the secrets to their longevity. 

Secret to Living Longer

The secret to living longer may be your social life (16.02 mins.) Susan Pinker TED talk,  Sep 2017

The Italian island of Sardinia has more than six times as many centenarians as the mainland and ten times as many as North America. Why? According to longevity researcher Susan Pinker, it's not a sunny disposition or a low-fat, gluten-free diet that keeps the islanders alive so long - it's their emphasis on close personal relationships and face-to-face interactions. 


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