Learning Styles


Learning Styles Research
Practical Strategies
Later Life Learning Research
Successful Ageing

David Kolb's website

Check out the latest research on experiential learning and the Kolb Learning Style Inventory


Dunn and Dunn website

Learning Styles Community

Learning style is the way in which each learner begins to concentrate on, process, absorb, and retain new and difficult information (Dunn and Dunn, 1992; 1993; 1999). The interaction of these elements occurs differently in everyone. To reveal these natural tendencies and styles, it is important to use a comprehensive model of learning style that identifies each individual's strengths and preferences across the full spectrum of physiological, sociological, psychological, emotional, and environmental elements.


Connecting Learning Styles and Multiple Intelligences Theories Through Learning Strategies:

May Ying Chau Oregon State University

Abstract: Although the Dunns’ learning styles and Gardner’s multiple intelligences theories are two distinct areas of research, they do not oppose each other and can be used together to improve learning. The design of this tutorial is an attempt to integrate students’ learning styles and their unique blend of intelligences in the library research process.

Val Bissland, Strathclyde University