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'One of the biggest barriers to learning is the talking teacher'.


* Teaching Tips (from the Centre of Teaching and Learning, Brigham Young University)): including 5 Active Learning Techniques :  just-in-time teaching, listening teams, structured sharing, students as teachers and team quizzes.
Watch Prof. Janet Young speak about colaborative learning on YouTube.
* Teaching Tips (from a community college) : A  collection of short  articles from different writers. 3 examples - The first day of class' - Nine tasks to get a class underway successfully: Evaluating your own teachingGood teaching.
Harvard : Teaching for Understanding: (Derek Bok Centre for Teaching and Learning) 20 ways to make lectures more participatory - Questions at the opening, the middle and the end.
Working In Groups - A short, simple guide.
Teacher Toolbox (Cambridge Regional College) : Downloads on Active Learning, Teaching, Effective Feedback and Self Assessment.

Race's Ripples model

Dr Phil Race (Leeds Metropolitan University) - Many useful articles on teaching on his downloads page.
Business Balls: Free templates, examples, samples, diagrams, tools and articles help the process of developing  people, organisations, sales and business.
Theory into Practice database (TIP) - This site is designed to provide information about instructional design principles and how they relate to teaching and learning..

Geoff Petty's presentations - Teaching Tomorrow. Downloadable WMA video files of his workshops.


Learning and Teaching  - What Works? This site is mainly about your own individual practice as a teacher, and takes into account various circumstances, your subject, and your setting whether school, college, university, work-based or informal adult education.

Study Strategies from University of Minnesota.


Mindmapping - Tony Buzan's resource centre - free software trial for a week. Videos, articles, tutorials.
12 Best Practices in Teaching. Tom Drummond, N. Seattle Community College. A core set of best practices that apply in most adult education environments.
Reflective learning is closely related to work on learning logs. Download free resources from Jean Moon's webpage at the Centre for Excellence in Media Practice.

Val Bissland, Strathclyde University